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Apr 19, 2024

Car tires | Griffith Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Richfield Springs, NYCar tires play a vital role in vehicle performance and safety. Over time, tires wear out and lose their effectiveness. If your vehicle hasn’t been driving as smoothly as it once did, and it’s been a while since you bought tires, it may be time to visit your CDJR dealership for a new set. Read on as we discuss some signs that indicate your car may need new tires.

Worn Tread

If the tread on your tires has worn too low, it can pose a big safety risk. How low is “too low”? In the state of New York, the legal minimum tire tread depth is 2/32 of an inch. As a good rule of thumb, once tires reach 4/32″ in tread depth, drivers should start planning to replace their tires. For winter, the recommended tire tread depth is at least 5/32″ for adequate traction in snowy weather.

Age of Current Tires

If you have used your current tires for 5 or 6 years, the integrity of your tires is likely compromised. Even if you haven’t driven many miles on them, the rubber materials in tires can deteriorate over time from sunlight exposure, heat, and extreme weather. When tires start to break down from the elements, they become hard, cracked, and brittle, making them unsafe and prone to blowouts.

Bumps, Cracks, & Bulges

The tread isn’t the only factor that indicates a tire’s reliability. Give your tires a good visible inspection. If you see any bumps, bulges, or other potential faults along the sidewalls, you should have your tires checked at the dealership soon. These irregularities on a tire can indicate your tire has taken a hard hit that has perhaps damaged the structure, making its safety questionable.

Vibrations & Handling Issues

If you notice vibrating or awkward handling when driving, especially when you accelerate, a tire problem could be the cause. Worn-out tires can cause a car to shake and make it difficult to control.

Reduced Traction

When their treads wear thin, tires don’t grip the pavement as well, especially on slippery, wet roads. If you notice that your car takes longer to stop, or skids easily, that is a clear sign that your tires no longer provide adequate grip. This can be dangerous, as poor traction can cause a vehicle to hydroplane. Replacing your vehicle’s tires should restore the traction and ensure safer driving.

Maintaining good tire condition is essential for a smooth and safe driving experience. If you notice any of the signs above or have any issues with your vehicle, visit us at Griffith Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Richfield Springs, NY today.

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